Speaking to myself

*Dear brethren,*
           *Happy Sunday.🙋‍♂*
          If Faith comes by hearing the word of God, then I need someone to speak the word to me; as it is written,  how shall they hear without a preacher?
          *If I however have no one to speak the word to my ears, then I need to engage in speaking to myself in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs... (i.e. speak the word to myself)*
          It doesn't say by thinking... we've got to SPEAK LOUD the word of God to the ears of our Spirit for faith to rise. Speak the word to yourself, Now!


Dear brethren, 
          When Jesus said that all power in heaven and on earth has been given unto Him, what does it imply?
     (Let's say out of 100 powers, He has 100, what remains for the devil? 100 - 100 = 0 )
          Jesus made a disgraceful defeat of the devil and made an open show of him, thereby setting a ground for us to walk in victory. 
          Believe in Jesus' Victory today and remind that Stubborn and pretentious Satan that he has been defeated long time ago.


*Dear brethren,🙋‍♂️*  Importantly, a covenant name of God is a certification that we really encountered God.  *For at the season of Explore...