A mission is an assignment or a calling a commition a duty a ministry. In a biblical way, it is a particular assignment that one has been given by God for the purpose of Spreading the gospel. The field  is a place of fulfilment. 
1.) Know Christ as the Lord. A-worker of a field must know the owner of the field
2.) Vision: the vision of a Man determines his vision. Many eyes look but few eyes' see.
3.) Spiritual Gifts: Every Child Of God has been given a particular gift. It is unprofitable to be a Consumer Without being a producer. Gifts is given for Servile and fruit is given for a living.
4.) Passion: Something that one is Importantly Zealous and Always interested in doing.
5.) Discipleship: One of the Cardinal points of Baptist.
6.) Opportunity: A man do not know how much he could play a musical instrument until he is allowed / Opportune to play it. When you have Opportunities for service, just serve. Also, there are many people around you that will tell you something about you that you Yourself do not know.
7.) Prayer: Prayer is the master key with which to lock and to unlock.


*Dear brethren,🙋‍♂️*  Importantly, a covenant name of God is a certification that we really encountered God.  *For at the season of Explore...