“And every plant of the field
before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the
Lord God had not caused the rain upon the earth, and there was no man to till
the ground.” Gen.2:5
The earth
was desperately stagnant because of the absence of the rain and a man. The man
delayed the rain and the rain delayed the increase. Man’s presence caused the
watering, the growth and the increase, and the persistence of the man manages
the ground.
Whenever God has a plan of salvation through a man, God
takes the initiative and He is the master planner, He makes ready all the
facilities and the equipments for the work. Also, when He has a man in His
heart, and come to that man, He has chosen that man neither is He expecting His
chosen to say NO. God wanted man to
sign in deliberately and wholeheartedly to the agreement. So, after accepting
the request of the Lord, God introduces the man to get him involved in what
He(God) is doing and is about to do. Mission
Also, in God’s encounter with a man, He does show him the unusual
thing in a convicting way. He reveals Himself, His ways, and His purposes. In such
a way that, the man has a new knowledge of God. God is at work in us, giving us
the desire and the power to do what pleases Him. You need a revelation of God- God’s invitation to you.
Isaiah's experience is a good
example. (Read Isa.6:1-9) Isaiah had
just seen the Lord in His holiness and Glory, and He was convicted of his sins,
this was a burning encounter within him and made him to answer and accept God’s
request. Notice that God had not imposed the mission on Him. In fact while God
knew Isaiah was present, God asked the question (the same question that He asks you) that “who shall I send and Who will go for us?”. God was expectantly
waiting for a positive answer from Isaiah (as
He also expect from you). A man that is ready to Quench God’s thirst and bring
God satisfaction. (Acts 13:22b).
God is not going to waste His resources. He expects a
readiness from those whose heart has been touched and whose mouth has been bridled
that He can thrust another deliverance plan to. The apostles were ready for the
rain so they tarried in prayer. And when the rain fell on them, they spoke for
God. That Rain is the Holy Spirit. The Rain
fell on Jesus and the apostles and is also promised to you. Acts 2:38-39, Joel 2:28, Ezekiel 22:30,
Acts 10:38, Acts 2:1-14, Phil.2:13. If
the following response is your resolution, pray