Pray for Wisdom

🙋‍♂Dear brethren,

How would you rate the spirituality of Jesus' parent? Yet Jesus, the Most Spiritual man who ever lived honoured his parent while He was under them.🤔

Do you ask "what if my parent ask me to do against the will of God, do I still obey them"? Hmm, even if you will disobey on that, you can yet do it in a honorary way.👌

Our Spirituality is proven by the Wisdom with which we handle family situations. If Jesus grew in wisdom while on earth, neither will you and I need less,...Pray for wisdom!🙏



Not Burdensome, but demanding!

Dear brethren, 
Happy Sunday! 

That none of our biblical promises are automatic does not make this faith burdensome, it only make it demanding. Yes! Our Faith is demanding.

“When you come looking for me, you’ll find me. “Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I’ll make sure you won’t be disappointed.” God ’s Decree." Jeremiah 29:13‭-‬14 MSG

May we get serious about finding the Lord henceforth. 



Pray the scripture

Dear brethren, 

"For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous; lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity." Psalms 125:3

When we see scriptures like this, do we just claim it by quotation or believe it's just automatic? Hmmmm, it must be claimed and affirmed through deliberate prayer. 

The promises of God in The bible has given us the legal ground by which we can win our case in the court of the universe. Know it and pray out the scripture!



Not automatic, Affirm in prayer!

Dear brethren,

Unbelievers make us to feel Christianity is a burden and that we're not different from them because we almost often have the same woes on life matters...hmm

They have gotten the facts and figures of failed Christian couples/homes, a Christian backbitter, a suffering Christian that they feed, a compromising Christian and so on...hmm

The house on the rock and the one on the ground both had the great wind's attack, but the Rocky stood because it was founded on the rock. This is yet not automatic, we must Affirm our Rocky stand in Prayer!



A Prayer

Dear brethren,

Often times we make complaints, make a lot of thinking about a matter, and just count it for a Prayer...NO! Specific requests to God is usually deliberate.

The one who complains is a #Complainer
The one who thinks is a #Thinker
But the one who pray(s) is called A #PRAYER!

What are you known for in the throne room? You can change your status through prayer!



Keep on Praying

🙋‍♂Dear brethren,

A young man and an old man were asked how to know a prayer is answered:
#YOUNG MAN: I simply believe once I prayed it that God will do it If He will.
#OLD MAN: I keep on Praying in faith until I see the result.

While we must not mix instant prayer of Faith with the prayer of importunity, there are many of our prayers that heaven wills and have approved the moment we asked, but continuous prayer of Faith will make it manifest. 👌

Don't give up on that matter, keep on praying until something happens!💪




🙋‍♂Dear brethren, 

Often times we think God is not interested in some aspects of our lives that we don't bother to Pray to Him on them. 🤔

Do you know God is interested in your distinction in school...interested in your plaiting of your playing of football... in you wearing good clothes and good shoes... and He wants you to speak to Him about everything?👌

There's no medal in heaven to have suffered as a Spiritual Christian! Tell it all to God, He's INTERESTED IN YOU!🤗



Don't Assume, Ask!

🙋‍♂Dear brethren, 

Have we discovered that if we do not pray about some matters we may not have visions or informations from God about them? There are no cheap visions but some are more costlier!☹️

Some of us struggle academically not because we're not brilliant, but because we never consider praying about it so serious, we think its automatic. This goes for other aspects.🤔

Jesus still says: "Ask and it shall be given unto you...for those who asks receieves" Matt.7:7. Don't assume, Ask!🙏




*Dear brethren,🙋‍♂️*  Importantly, a covenant name of God is a certification that we really encountered God.  *For at the season of Explore...