The beginning of an end

Dear brethren

          It is expedient for us to know that the end has not come but that the end is near. For there must first be backsliding so much that if the days would not be shortened, even the very elect would be deceived. This is just the beginning of an end!
          But we are not in darkness that that day should overtake us as a thief, for we are in the Light, and we must watch and pray!

Not see corruption

Dear brethren,
            Far from it should we think that God has sent a pestilence to the world to separate the righteous from the wicked, were it so, God will be unjustified to destroy the world because He cannot save it. God is a saviour!
          The calendar is drawn, and the matter is an end determined from the beginning. 
          However, God is lovely and faithful to take home His beloved at His return, they shall not see corruption. 
Be prepared!

Will not tarry

Dear brethren,

          Do we know that God did not and will not tell anyone when Christ would return? No! But do we know He gave us His word  wherewith we might understand? Christ told us to understand the time.
Matthew 24:15
When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
          We say this time is not what Christ spoke of, but does it look like it? Would we bargain with Him to finish our education or to marry when He comes?
          Surely He will come and will not tarry!

Plan but Prepare

Dear brethren,
          It would be a shame if we be left behind with fornicators, liars, murderers, smokers & drunkards when Christ shall receive home His beloved. Were it not better that we have joined them in the first place? Why should we suffer with christ and still suffer with sinners? Remember like a thief He said He will come at night.
          Therefore, plan as though you have 100 more years to spend but prepare as though today is your last day on earth.

From Country to Colony,

Who I am.

I am not what the world says I am
I am not what my family thinks or want me to be
I am not what Nigeria has recruited people to be
I am not what my friends imagine me to be
I am not what my pastor designed me to be
I am not even what my church
or my institution has recruited people to be
I am not even what I say or think I am
I am what God says I am!

     There is a God-design for everylifes, bringing another pattern into one's life is like manipulating the intentions of God. To be what God wants one to be calls for knowing what God wants one to be. I.e. it involves
1. Knowing
2. Being and
3. Doing
●     In knowing, what does the bible says about me? Is there any record of me in the bible? If I were to be asked who am I as John was asked, can I trace my purpose to the scriptures?
John 1:22-23.
22So they said to him, “Who are you? We need an answer for those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?” 
23John replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet: “I am the voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way for the Lord .’” 
Who did God says I am?

●     In Being, do I believe what the word says about me? Do I position myself at my station? Being precedes doing, you cannot do what you are not.

●     In Doing, I must reflect my state of being. Swimming doesn't make a fish to be a fish, a fish swims because its a fish. Our activities and ministering to God should be the natural duty and obligation of our being.  I do what I am.

Be what God says you are...shalom!


*Dear brethren,🙋‍♂️*  Importantly, a covenant name of God is a certification that we really encountered God.  *For at the season of Explore...