Disciples Congress and Commissioning of the Kingdom Of Priests Generation Ministry

Kingdom of Priests Generation Ministry is an interdenominational group currently based in Igboora, Ibarapa Central Local Government Area in Oyo State, Nigeria.
Our Vision:        To raise the future leaders
Our Mission:      To evangelize the children, teenagers and youths.
                             To raise disciples among the converts
To guide them into discovery, pursuing and fulfilling their purpose.
To train them to love the body of Christ and our Nation Nigeria
                             To remind and prepare them for the second coming of Christ
          As we know that the future of our nation and the church depend on the younger generations; we therefore believe and trust god that our labour today on them will produce the future faithful, trustworthy and dependable leaders in all facet of life.
               We the disciples wishes to specially invite you to the Disciples Congress and Commissioning of the Kingdom Of Priests Generation Ministry which takes place in Ibadan from 1-3 September 2017 with the theme BE FRUITFUL AND INCREASE.
                                                              Bro. Lawrence Adeoye (co-worker)


"They continued stedfastly in the apostles'
doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of
bread, and in prayers"(ACTS 2:42). So says
Luke of the thousands who received the
Word and were baptized following the
preaching of Peter on the day of Pentecost.
Conversion for those first Christians was not
a destination; it was the beginning of a
journey. And right there is where the Biblical
emphasis differs from ours. Today all is
made to depend upon the initial act of
believing. At a given moment a "decision" is
made for Christ, and after that everything is
automatic. This is not taught in so many
words, but such is impression inadvertently
created by our failure to lay a scriptural
emphasis in our evangelistic preaching. We
of the evangelical churches are almost all
guilty of this lopsided view of the Christian
life, and because the foundations are out of
plumb the temple of God leans dangerously
and threatens to topple unless some
immediate corrections are made.


*Dear brethren,🙋‍♂️*  Importantly, a covenant name of God is a certification that we really encountered God.  *For at the season of Explore...