Psalm 1

1 Oh, the joys of those who do not    follow the advice of the wicked,    or stand around with sinners,    or join in with mockers.2 But they delight in the law of the Lord,    meditating on it day and night.

3 They are like trees planted along the riverbank,    bearing fruit each season.Their leaves never wither,    and they prosper in all they do.4 But not the wicked!    They are like worthless chaff, scattered by the wind.5 They will be condemned at the time of judgment.    Sinners will have no place among the godly.6 For the Lord watches over the path of the godly,    but the path of the wicked leads to destruction.
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(Written to the JJCBC brethren)
            I was glad when I heard of your faith and zeal in the Lord which has driven you to action through fellowshipping. May the grace and mercy of the Lord increase in your life as you know Him more. Amen.
            I’ve loved to come to you but my schedule has not permitted me. So, I use this medium to comfort you in the name of the Lord. You are the glory of God and no one can easily pluck you out of God’s hand neither is there any man that will make you wretched in God’s eyes. For it is written;
      “For thus saith the Lord of host... whoever touches you touches
 the apple of His eyes.” Zechariah.2:8
            I would not want you to consider the vision as a fable or handle it with levity; neither would I want you to panic about it nor to think that the vision is only for our brother Adeola. It is a warning and a caution for every one of you to abstain from evil. As it is written
            “flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness...” II Timothy 2:22
            I urge you brethren in the name of the Lord, that you should guide your heart diligently. Do not fall into the hand of a strange man or strange woman so that you will not be poisoned and that your glory might not be tampered with. Your glory will only be tampered with, if by the reason of being poisoned, you lose your fellowship with the Lord. Consider your position in the lord;
“For you died, and your life is hid with Christ in God” Col.3:3
Christ is in God and you are in Christ. Anyone that will harm you must first harm God and His Christ before getting you. But the aspect of being dead is your daily consecration to God.
            I wish to come to you shortly, but before I come, give yourself to studying of the word and Prayer. Acts 6:4, II Timothy 2:15. The Lord shall keep you from all wrongs. Peace be unto you!


I give myself away to you oh Lord!
Make me a vessel of revival and change.
Why should the entire world go perishing?
The land to be dominated is full of futility.
The children do not know the Lord, they are filled with disobedience
 Neither do the youths, they filled with immorality
 Nor the aged, they are filled with drunkenness
Darkness indeed covers everywhere and gross darkness the people
Death and decay continues day and night
Oh! There need a great Saviour- though indeed he’s come
But the world knows Him not neither are they interested in Him
The bread of Hope is getting contaminated while the wicked hatches evil
Oh send out thy light and thy truth; let them lead me
Let them lead me unto thy holy hill and unto thy tabernacles.
For how shall they hear without a preacher?
Haw shall men preach without being sent?
Send thou the light of the blessed gospel
Let it radiantly beam the whole world.


If what you are is different from what you think you are, you will eventually become what you think you are. You are sharpened by your thought and are a product of your thought; this is why you need to know who you are.
Had bees knew of the delight of their produce brings to man, they wouldn’t have pitched in woods, they would have hidden their sting and have lived in a mansion. So, if you are ignorant of your worth, you will be deprived the privileges of your being.
A born again fellow may experience poverty, shame, maltreatment, hunger, torment and lot more in his life, but the fact is, if you are born by the word, you will live by the word. When a person becomes a child of God, God being the father, takes the responsibility of a father over His child. So, Jesus said that god is more faithful to give us good gifts than our earthly fathers. But, anyone that will enjoy the benefit of the kingdom must be acquainted with the Kingdom and meet the requirements of the kingdom of God.
God has never willed misfortune for His children and He in fact sees them as the apples of His eyes. just like the bees, man has stretched forth his sting of wickedness, adultery, immoralities, drunkenness, malpractices, envies, pride, killings, backbiting  and all manner of evils, hurting themselves, and he(man) has seen God as a killer, even ass bees would refer to man (who should have taken care of them) as killers, if they (the bees) come close to man.
Did you think you can hurt God, or you think you can deceive Him? NO. You have to make yourself acquainted with the Kingdom of God by accepting the Lord as the Saviour and Lord of your life, simply tell Him to wash your sins away by His blood and break your sting of wickedness( or whichever your own sting is)tell Him to come and live in you. By so doing, you will no longer be a sinner in the hand of an angry God, but a SAINT.
And if you are already a child of God, tell Him to help you to know who you are in Him and get yourself right with God. Then, you will be able to enjoy God’s plan for His children. May God help you as you heed. Amen.


“And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused the rain upon the earth, and there was no man to till the ground.” Gen.2:5
            The earth was desperately stagnant because of the absence of the rain and a man. The man delayed the rain and the rain delayed the increase. Man’s presence caused the watering, the growth and the increase, and the persistence of the man manages the ground.
          Whenever God has a plan of salvation through a man, God takes the initiative and He is the master planner, He makes ready all the facilities and the equipments for the work. Also, when He has a man in His heart, and come to that man, He has chosen that man neither is He expecting His chosen to say NO. God wanted man to sign in deliberately and wholeheartedly to the agreement. So, after accepting the request of the Lord, God introduces the man to get him involved in what He(God) is doing and is about to do. Mission Started!
          Also, in God’s encounter with a man, He does show him the unusual thing in a convicting way. He reveals Himself, His ways, and His purposes. In such a way that, the man has a new knowledge of God. God is at work in us, giving us the desire and the power to do what pleases Him. You need a revelation of God- God’s invitation to you.
        Isaiah's experience is a good example. (Read Isa.6:1-9) Isaiah had just seen the Lord in His holiness and Glory, and He was convicted of his sins, this was a burning encounter within him and made him to answer and accept God’s request. Notice that God had not imposed the mission on Him. In fact while God knew Isaiah was present, God asked the question (the same question that He asks you) that “who shall I send and Who will go for us?”. God was expectantly waiting for a positive answer from Isaiah (as He also expect from you). A man that is ready to Quench God’s thirst and bring God satisfaction. (Acts 13:22b).
          God is not going to waste His resources. He expects a readiness from those whose heart has been touched and whose mouth has been bridled that He can thrust another deliverance plan to. The apostles were ready for the rain so they tarried in prayer. And when the rain fell on them, they spoke for God.  That Rain is the Holy Spirit. The Rain fell on Jesus and the apostles and is also promised to you. Acts 2:38-39, Joel 2:28, Ezekiel 22:30, Acts 10:38, Acts 2:1-14, Phil.2:13.  If the following response is your resolution, pray now!:

          Here am I Lord; use me and let down your rain on me. Make me your depository vessel, to bring a change to my world. Darkness and error shall crumble under the wave of your power.


In the late 70’s and 80’s, when believers meet each other, their mode of greeting was; how are you, brother? Have you heard about the Welsh Revival? Did you read about Evan Roberts? I saw something in ‘Herald of His coming’ that shook me. I read something about Smith Wigglesworth. Did you hear that John Hyde stained the walls of his room with the breath of his prayer? I read that Maria Woodworth Ether was approaching a place to preach and fifty miles from the place where she was, people was falling under the anointing...

        Those were the kind of things we said to each other. When you heard it, it set you ablaze. Your friend might say to you; “when I read that, I locked up myself for ten hours, I did not come out.” And you looked at him, ‘you said how many hours? I will see you later!’ you just go into the room and lock yourself up. What! What am I doing with my life? And you go on and on... I have heard of Pastor Adeboye’s experience, when he heard one preacher pray for 36 hours he went on to pray for 72 hours. You are surprised! That was how we sharpened each other in those days. We read of Charles G. Finney riding a horse through town and everyone was crying for his or her sins... We read of D.L. Moody: they said, ‘God is looking for a man to use, and he is looking for a man that will not care who takes the glory.’  D.L. Moody, a shoe maker said, ’by the grace of God, I will be that man...’ When you read that, it sets you on fire. And if you heard it from someone who read it from somewhere and shared it with you, you would be sharpened. That was how we sharpened each other.
        Today, it is different. When two pastors meet, you hear things like, ’pastor how’s the church building, Have you finished it now? I like this neck tie of yours; where did you buy it from? This wristwatch is powerful! Who helped you get this car? Can you assist me to get the car also? Your suit is powerful, is it ready-made or someone sewed it? Who is your barber? I like the way you cut your hair.’ These are the vanities believers discuss these days- things of no eternal consequence. It is very rare before you can come to the presence of a man of God and go edified. We rarely hear that a person went to see a man of God, ‘a real man of God’ and left their challenge, with his soul set on fire. Very rare!
Consider these sharpening materials;
John G. Lake’s ‘Adventure in God’
Leonard Ravenhill’s ‘why revival tarries’ and ‘Sodom had no bible’
E.M. Bound’s ‘the power of prayer’
Charles Spungeon’s ‘His power in us’
E.W. Kenyon’s ‘Two kinds of faith’
A.W. Tozer’s ‘in pursuit of God’
Oswald J. Smiths’ ‘the man God uses’
        Who is and who are the people sharpening you? Friendship is by choice and not by force, and it is not fun. So, watch the persons you call friend.
Written by Bro. Modepo Toluwani
and published by Bro.Wonderful Egbeleke.
Kingdom of Priests Generation Ministry.


*Dear brethren,🙋‍♂️*  Importantly, a covenant name of God is a certification that we really encountered God.  *For at the season of Explore...